King of something to say

Det kändes bara extremt löjligt att se båda sidorna battla i en halvtaskig gästbok med sina halvdana argument så jag kände att jag helt enkelt var tvungen att lägga in något.
Jag skrev:
Just something i gotta say
The childmolesting story published by the media is, regardless of if it's the truth, just plain entertainment (they love to just get to people, don't they?). Well in any case, you should absolutely not judge his music by his molefactions in his personal life, cause that would be very undeliberate and unsincere. Michael Jackson is in fact a living legend. He have done a lot of fabulous songs, and my personal opinion is that, when it's up to pop, nothing beats the king.It's not that I don't think he actually is a childmolester, but either do I think that he is. I just don't know what to think anymore, so I'd figured it'll be better to just stop caring about someone else's personal life published by something as overrated as the media, cause giving a fuck is what they probably want you to do.
/Kent- (
Bra, både gjort och skrivet.
Anonym, at 9:41 fm
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